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  • If you think you are standing alone - you are not.  

  • If you think you are facing more than you can bear, you may be, but God will bear it with you because He is for you.

  •  If you are overwhelmed with the level of loss, trauma and distress that you are facing and wonder how on earth all of this will sort itself out - remember, the truth is that God is FOR YOU.

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core Values

Sincere Friendship & Relationship

Prophets always do life well when they are

friends with each other.  We work hard to maintain

healthy relationships with each other while valuing

and giving space for our differences.


We value the whole Body of Christ

Even though Invictus Prophetic Global is a

network of Prophets, we are just one part of

the beautiful Body of Christ. We value the work and friendship of the Apostle, Pastor, Teacher and Evangelist. 

Together we are strong.


We value strong and healthy Leadership

We are thankful for the leaders that God has given us.

At the same time we have several senior prophetic and apostolic global leaders who are there for us as advisors. We are so grateful for their wisdom, insight and 

guidance and encouragement.


Invictus Prophetic Global is a ministry fueled by the fire of the Spirit burning in hearts to see the purpose of God come alive in people everywhere. We are continually moved by all that Holy Spirit is doing in the nations of the world as He stirs us towards reformation. We have an International team comprised of people committed to training and equipping in all areas of the prophetic. At the core, we are prophets with a mandate to deliver the Word of the Lord and to raise up others, not to be like us, but to be exactly who Jesus created them to be for His pleasure.


Core leaders

Rebecca King

Founder & Director

Rebecca’s real passion is to see prophets discover not only their identity as children of God but to find their prophetic identity and then reach their peak as healthy, powerful, edge dwelling Prophets, willing to consecrate their lives fully to Jesus with one all-encompassing YES!  Rebecca’s own journey of emerging as a prophet began after an encounter with the Holy Spirit in her early twenties. A deep love and desire to help other prophets birth their destinies was deposited deep within. Since that time, she has been travelling the world pioneering and paving a way for prophets to understand themselves and be understood.

Heather Clayton

Heather, wife, mother of two young adults, and a passionate follower of God, brings a wealth of experience to her role as leader of Invictus Wales Prophetic Alliance (Ty y Gweledyddion). With deep roots in North Wales, both through her childhood and Welsh heritage, Heather feels a strong connection to the land and its people.


Heather's walk with God has been anything but ordinary. From co-pastoring a church to leading worship, teaching, and interceding, her ministry has been marked by adventure, surprises, and a vibrant commitment to sharing God's Word.


Invictus Wales Prophetic Alliance emerged from a powerful call from God. Heather sees this ministry as a channel for Wales, a conduit for the purity of God's voice to be heard throughout the nation. Leading this initiative is an honor she embraces wholeheartedly.

Bernie & Margaret ANdrew

Bernie and Margaret live in Colchester, Essex, where they have been for some 35 years. Now retired, they love having the freedom to devote more time to the things God has been opening up for them
over the last few years. They’ve been married for 44 years and have three adult children and one granddaughter.

Bernie was called into prophetic ministry in the early 90s. Without anyone to teach or mentor him. At that time he had to rely heavily on listening for the promptings of the Spirit, and reading books by
trusted and mature prophets at the time. He always longed for someone to come alongside and mentor him. Margaret was involved in worship ministry through those years and was a worship leader in several different churches, until one day God told her quite dramatically that the time of worship ministry was completed, and He was moving her over into prophetic ministry alongside Bernie. Since then, they have worked together to build up, encourage and strengthen the people of God in whatever context they found themselves, often through gathering a small team around them
to pray and prophesy over those who wanted to hear God’s word to them personally. Bernie has always loved to teach and encourage others to grow in their own prophetic gifting.

In 2022 Bernie began working with Invictus in broadcasts and online prophetic appointments, and in November 2023 he and Margaret were commissioned to lead Invictus England. They have a heart to
gather especially the isolated ones and twos who feel that they have no prophetic community around them and connect them with others in their area and across England. They both carry a passion for God’s word and seek to help believers live in the light of it.

Stephen Cummins

Stephen is a seasoned leader within Invictus Prophetic Global, where he has served for over eight years. Known for his experience and insight in the prophetic realm, Stephen holds position of a prophet and fulfills various managerial roles within the ministry. He is also a valued Trustee of the organization's charitable arm.


Stephen's dedication to his faith extends beyond his professional life. He is a devoted family man, married to Anita with whom he has raised three children. Their growing family now includes four wonderful grandchildren.


A pivotal moment in Stephen's life occurred in 1975 when he experienced a transformative encounter with the Holy Spirit. This event ignited a lifelong journey dedicated to following Jesus' call as a prophet. Stephen possesses a deep interest and unwavering passion for all aspects of the prophetic. His greatest fulfillment lies in empowering others to embrace their own callings and cultivate maturity in their character, gifts, and ministry.

Gina Rankin

Gina was born in a small village called Brora in the Highlands of Scotland. She has a powerful testimony of God saving her, deliverance and healing through a dream in August 2001. Her father had been called and used as prophet at the age of 14 in the Apostolic church in Glasgow but had walked away from this calling in his twenties.

Due to the way God saved her, she has always known and heard God's voice. However, she did not specifically step into the fullness of her calling until 2020 and God opened up the door supernaturally, again through a dream, for Gina to connect with Rebecca and so began her walk with Invictus.

She is primarily part of the Core Intercessor team but more recently God has placed her in the position of Pastoral Care for Invictus and leader of Invictus Revelation Church, Brora.

Patty Lindsey

Patty is a core leader with Invictus Prophetic Global and the leader of Invictus FireStorm Prophetic Prayer. She lives on the shore of Lake Superior in Canada and loves the outdoors, spending time hiking, gardening, bird watching and sometimes not wanting to go back inside! Taking road trips to different communities, where she explores and prays is one of her favourite things to do. There are so many beautiful places to see and experience!


Working as an elementary school teacher and musician have been primary activities in her life. She continues to love reading, studying and learning and playing the trombone in a variety of musical groups. She has spent a great deal of time praying and interceding as well as serving in healing ministries and a local shelter. Friends and family are very important parts of her life.


Outside of her love for the outdoors and music, Patty enjoys the simplicity of spending time with God and hearing what He has to share. She delights in being a part of a company of prophets who all hear and share God's heart freely.

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